Apostle Carter is a native of Mt. Airy, North Carolina and he is a graduate of J. J. Jones High School. He is a graduated of Livingstone College in Salisbury, North Carolina with a B.A. in English. He complete further studies at East Carolina University, Radford University, and the University of Virginia. In July 2000 Bishop Carter was awarded the Doctor of Divinity from Joyland Temple School of the Bible
In his 32 years of public education, Bishop Carter was Teacher of the Year in 1983 and has been listed in Who's Who in America's Teacher on three occasions.
Apostle Carter embarked on a spiritual life very early. At the age of seven, he repented of his sins, and accepted water baptism. After a season of seeking and tarrying, he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He sang his first solo at the age of eight, "Stand by Me". At the local level Apostle Carter served in many capacities including Sunday School teacher, Choir Member, Choir Director, Musician member of almost every department, and Stewart.
22 years of Apostle's life were spent in another Apostolic organization where he served as General Youth President for 14 years. and was later elevated to Bishop to the Youth Department after accepting his call to the ministry in 1974. In 1975 he was ordained as an Elder, and pastorship in 1977.
In 1984, Apostle Carter organized and became founder of the Triumphant Pentecostal Church (Apostolic) Inc. He was consecrated as the first Bishop of the organization in 1986 at the first General Assembly. Having preached nationally and inter-nationally, Apostle has proven himself to be a man of integrity and compassion.